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Wheatland Studios™ is a production studio

based in Longmont, Colorado. Our three guiding words are "Faith, Music, and Imagination".


We produce original stories and character properties. 


Our latest production is The Matthew Spencer Show™.

You can buy on Amazon: (CLICK HERE)



Kids' Book!
Musical Superheroes! A Musical Comic Book Adventure - (BOOK) $12.95


Imagine a world where music is magic, and those who wield its power (musicians) are superheroes! In this comic book adventure, author, illustrator, and composer Matthew Spencer, introduces his world of musical magic. Did you know there are 9 musical realms which are watched over by the Masters of Music? How did Trumpet Commando get his powers? Who is the evil Dr. Tritone? Does Trumpet Commando have to go it alone? Or will he have a team of Musical Superheroes?It is a simple, yet imaginative comic book “origins story” sure to be a favorite of music lovers of all ages!


BUY on Amazon NOW!

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